It doesn’t quite seem real that I’m sharing this piece of news with you guys. Since last June, I’ve imagined what I would say in this very post. How would I tell you? When would I do it? Would I keep it to myself as long as I could or burst with excitement early on? I never thought it would take 10 months to get here, or that the road we’ve traveled to this point would have been, at points, so treacherous – but it did and it was – and I think that’s what makes this post so darn special.

So, here we go. Have you guessed it by now?

Yessss.. we’re expecting!!!

How I Found Out.

On a very special Tuesday in January, I candidly took a pregnancy test. Since we’d been trying to get pregnant for months, we had some tests on hand and, even though my app told me I wouldn’t know for two more days and my calendar said my cycle wouldn’t start for over a week, impatience got the better of me and I peed on a stick anyways. Why? Trying to have a baby makes you very in tuned with your body and I had experienced some symptoms that made me think that maybe, just MAYBE this would be the month. As the little digital screen blinked little rectangles saying it was thinking, I put it down and tended to the birthday boy. You see, that Tuesday was the day our first baby turned 2. When I returned to the bathroom and saw the word ‘pregnant’ my reaction was identical to the one I had when I found out I was pregnant with Fischer 2 years and 9 months prior. I sunk down on top of the toilet and burst into tears of joy and gratitude.

Up to that point I’d seen SO MANY negative tests. Whether it was a single line or the words ‘NOT PREGNANT’ – the outcome had become so ingrained in me. Although I longed for a positive result, I’d gotten to the point where I no longer expected it. So much so that seeing the word PREGNANT was immensely overwhelming – in the absolute best way.

Sharing Our Big News | Amanda Fontenot Blog

The First Trimester

This pregnancy has been so different from Fischer’s. With his, I barely had ANY symptoms other than some pretty heavy fatigue. This time, I had the whole gamut. From intense cravings to morning sickness, heartburn, breakouts and EXTREME exhaustion. They say your subsequent pregnancies are harder (especially when you’re chasing around a toddler while pregnant) – and boy were they right. But with every symptom and tough day physically, it was a comfort to know those symptoms were normal because I have life growing inside me. What a blessing.

Sharing Our Big News | Amanda Fontenot Blog

So, hopefully now you understand why I’ve been a little MIA on social media and sluggish with content here on the blog! With just one week left in my first trimester, though, I’m starting to catch my second wind and am beginning to feel much more ‘normal’ – so hopefully that will change!

Thank you all for being here and for sharing in our exciting news. If you’d like to watch the video from when we announced Fischer’s pregnancy, you can click here! It’s fun to see how different they are 🙂

Sharing Our Big News | Amanda Fontenot Blog

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