baby eloise.
Every once in a while, I get the distinct privilege of making photographs for other people. This time, our dear friends the Russi’s asked if I would take their newborn photos. Of course, I happily obliged.
We’ve known the Russi’s for some time now. G went to high school with Matt and I met the boys while attending college at Florida State. We met Aubrey shortly after she and Matt began dating – which was right around the time G and I were getting married. I soon found out that we had unknowingly grown up just 30 minutes away from each other in Florida and we hit it off right away. The following year, the four of us went on a trip to New York City. There, G and I got to watch Matt get down on one knee and ask Aubrey to be his wife. We also all moved to Atlanta within about a year of each other and announced on the same day that we were pregnant!
I cannot say enough about these two and their precious baby girl. I can’t wait to watch our babes grow up together and to walk alongside them through parenting.
what i saw:
I love these photos because you can see so effortlessly how much Matt and Aubrey love each other and their new daughter. With every changed face, grasping hand and tender hug, the interaction between the three Russi’s was just so heartwarming and beautiful. Aubrey embodies everything warm, loving and graceful and Matt makes loving look so effortless. I’m excited to see how Eloise grows up to embody the best parts of both her parents.
I’ll tell you what.. meeting your best friends’ new baby is not something that is soon forgotten. The afternoon I spent photographing these three made me truly so excited to welcome our own little one in the weeks to come.
If you are interested in photos (maternity, newborn, family, engagement, etc.) don’t hesitate to reach out! Visit this link and fill out the short form under “inquire”. I’ll get back with you soon!
Very sweet! Lovely photography x