Fischer’s eighth month was filled to the brim with travel, the start of his first football season and growing in more ways than one. He took his first plane ride, traveled abroad, visited the beach for the first time, walked the streets of Nashville, visited both sets of grandparents in Florida, started practicing with solid foods and discovered his love of both cheese and yogurt. It was a fun month to say the least and it might have been my favorite so far.
eight facts about fischer.
I thought it would be fun this time to share 8 things about Fischer in honor of his eighth month. So, here goes:
- He’s the sweetest baby. Every person who stops and smiles, makes a comment, waves or simply says ‘hello’ to him, he greets them with the biggest, warmest, teeth-bearing smile. On more than one occasion we’ve been sitting in a public place and, over my shoulder, he started laughing and playing. Come to find he’s flirting with someone a few tables or plane seats away. It melts everyone’s heart – including his mama’s.. every time.
- He’s most content when he has someone to listen to. The first time I really noticed this was actually after G and I had wrapped up a meal at a restaurant. We suddenly realized that Fischer, who’d been sitting on G’s lap most of the time, had needed little to no entertaining or management and that we had just spent 20-30 minutes in rare uninterrupted conversation. It took us a moment to discern that he was just content to listen to us talk and interact with each other. I love that and hope it stays with him throughout his years. I pray that he’ll always be quick to listen and slow to speak; that he’ll learn to discern and be sensitive to the feelings, thoughts and actions of those around him.
- Fischer loves his dogs. I know I’ve mentioned this before, but in the past he would simply stop and watch whenever they were near. Now, he not only stops to watch them, but he physically gets excited and almost seems like he tries to talk to them. We’re working on being “gentle” while petting Gracie (he tends to just grab and pull her fur out) and Remi is making great strides with him. Before, he wouldn’t let Fisch anywhere near him and would promptly get up and move if we ever set him down next to him on the couch. Now, Remi will come up and sniff him and even lick his face from time to time (to Fischer’s sheer and utter delight).
- His hugs will make your day. There are no words for how happy it makes me when he reaches out for a hug. It happens often when he’s tired and it’s been enough lately to make me prolong nap time by 15-20 minutes just so I can snuggle him a while before he sleeps.
- If it’s mixed with apples, he’ll eat it. Fisch isn’t a huge fan of carrots or peas, but if they’re mixed with apples it’s an entirely different story.
- His daddy hangs the moon. I’m the one he gets upset about if I walk away, but when dad comes home from work or just in from the other room, his whole demeanor changes and brightens. He loves his dad and their interactions and time together make my entire day. I know they say little boys and their moms have something special (and I definitely feel that), but I pray he and his dad have the type of relationship that G has with his. Closer than close. The best of friends.
- He talks to himself. If he’s got a particularly interesting toy, wakes up in a good mood or if he’s got something to hold while I change his diaper, the boy is chatty. At this point it’s a lot of sing-songy tone influction, gurgling or “huuuuuu’s” but it’s music to my ears.
- Loves the outdoors. Whenever he’s super fussy or discontent, it never fails that a walk outside does the trick to calm him down. It could be in or out of his stroller – doesn’t matter – he just loves to take in the sights, smells and sounds. I think he’s going to be so much fun to take on camping trips and I hope he’ll love to explore just as much as his dad and I do.
I could go on and on about this sweet little nugget of ours, but I hope these facts help give an idea of just how special he is. As sad as I am that he’s growing so fast, it’s also so exciting to watch him grow into the little person God’s shaping him into. How lucky we are to call him ours.
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