Happy Monday, friends!
Today marks the first full working week of 2020 and I am so excited! If you read this post from last week, then you know what my word for this year is and where in my life I plan to apply it moving forward. A huge part of that plan involves my daily routine – especially how I plan to spend my mornings. So, that’s what I want to talk about today.
In September of last year, I wrote this post about my morning routine. Shortly thereafter, we suffered a miscarriage and pretty much from then through the rest 2019, I went pretty lax on everything from my routine, to my health, diet, fitness, etc. As much as I look back and wish that weren’t the case, I also choose to grant myself some grace during that trying, emotional and hard time. To be honest, that is probably why I’m looking forward to this new beginning as much as I am. I’m ready to move forward, establish a healthy routine and just better myself in every way.
So, here’s what I’ll be working towards over the next few weeks. I’m giving myself the month of January to really create genuine habits, adjust to a new lifestyle and form a solid foundation for the year moving forward. I’ll be sharing and updating you all regularly via Instagram stories this month, so feel free to come along for the ride! I hope this post and the ones to come will truly inspire you to better yourself in the ways you feel are right for you!
What I Want My Mornings to Look Like in 2020
5:00 Wake Up Call
At one point, I had gotten so good at getting up at 5 am and I want that back so badly! Mornings are really the only opportunity I have for time to myself which, as someone who for the sake of herself and others needs alone time to recharge, is really important! During our 2 week holiday vacation I was getting up around 7-7:30 so I’ll be slowly working my way back. This morning I was able to manage 6:15 so hopefully by next week I’ll be back at 5 J
5:15 Spend Time in the Word
It will take me about 15 minutes to talk myself into getting out of bed, feed the dogs + cat, pour my coffee and be seated somewhere comfy – probably my desk or the couch.. maybe the kitchen island. But once I’m seated, I want to spend at least 30 minutes in the Word, getting my mind and perspective ready for the day ahead!
5:45 At-Home Workout or Run
I still have my workout DVD’s from when I was huge into doing the Beachbody 21 Day Fix a few years ago. Even though I won’t be following the dietary parameters (I’ll be trying the Keto diet out this month), I know firsthand how beneficial the workouts are and I love that they’re only 30 minutes long. I did the Plyo version this morning and forgot how much I miss starting my day with an early morning workout. In terms of workouts, I still plan to go to the gym for the occasional cycle class and on Mondays and Wednesdays, when G is working from home, we’ve decided we’re going to head there for some weightlifting at 4. I feel like all of this opportunity for fitness will have me reaching goals left and right! J
6:20 Shower & Get Ready
I just purchased a Nutribullet with a gift card I got for Christmas, so post workout I’ll be blending a healthy protein shake before heading upstairs to shower and get ready. Even if I end up going to the gym later that day, I know getting ready for the day this early will help me feel more productive. Before, I was usually waiting to shower until Fischer was napping and, it might sound silly, but I think that had a lot to do with why I’ve been feeling so tired, rushed and unproductive in the morning/afternoons!
7:00 Prep for the Day
Not always, but usually Fischer is stirring by this time, but I don’t go and get him until at least 7:30, so I’ll have at least a half an hour here to do something work-related. This will probably be the time when I consult my agenda, write out my to-do list and maybe catch up on a few emails.
8:00 Breakfast
By this time, I’ll have gotten Fisch out of bed and freshened up. We’re also starting to discover that he doesn’t necessarily like to eat first thing after waking up so I’ll give him some time in the playroom or I’ll sit with him and read a few books – whichever he’s feeling like. Then at 8 am, I’ll make us both something to eat!
8:30 Clean
I’m planning for after breakfast to be a time of independent play for Fischer while I get some cleaning done around the house. Now, this will sometimes vary depending on if we have a playdate, errands to run or if I’m planning to go to a class at the gym. If we’re going somewhere then I’ll clean here as long as I can and makeup anything I didn’t get to either during his nap or around 4pm when things are winding down for the day. If we’re staying home that morning, then I’ll clean for about an hour while he plays and then I’ll spend the rest morning playing with/reading to/doing crafts with him until he eats lunch at 11:30 and naps around noon!
And there you have it. That’s what I’d like my morning routine to be by February! Are you planning to change your routine up this year? Are there any elements of this post that you’d like to incorporate for yourself? I’d love to hear in the comments below!
Hope you all are having a great start to your week!
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