


It’s hard to believe that Beckham turns one month this week! I’ve had several of you ask about some of the items we’ve been using thus far, so I thought I’d write a blog post to give you the rundown. Now, I’ve talked about several of these items before. Most of them are ones I used with our first son, but they’re worth mentioning again – especially for those of you who may be new here! So, let’s get to it. Here are the items I’ve loved having for this first month with our baby boy. Breastfeeding If you’re breastfeeding and pumping, I have a few major recommendations for you! Pumps Elvie Pump – I know this pump is expensive, but our insurance covered some of the cost and we used HSA funds to pay for the rest! Just want to give you some insight as to different options for…

Two and-a-half years ago, when I packed my hospital bag for my first labor, I had no idea what to expect. This time, I took much less – in fact, G and I shared a bag! I can tell you this: what I did pack, I LOVED having with us and that’s why I wanted to share this post. As a note for first-time mamas, something I wasn’t expecting last time was just HOW MUCH the hospital provides for you. At least ours did. Everything from toiletries to pads, diapers for baby and even wipes and onesies. We could have come in with nothing and still been well taken care of! That being said – there are a few comforts I brought from home and am so glad I did! What to Pack for Mom. First, let’s talk about the recovery products I brought in my hospital bag. Frida Mom…

Well, my friends. We broke ground on the nursery in June and it was finally completed here in September.. 10 days before my due date.. LOL! As someone who had her first nursery ready and waiting at least 10 weeks early – this feels a little weird! In my defense, this nursery definitely involved more projects, updates and a few product deliveries that were delayed pretty heavily due to COVID. In any case – it’s done and I’m super excited to share it with you all! If you’d like to see the full journey of this nursery from start to finish, you can click here to watch a video series in my Instagram Highlights that takes you through the whole thing! Be sure to keep scrolling if you’d like shoppable links to the items in this post. Baby Boy’s Nursery Reveal. Newton Baby Coupon Code. I’ve partnered with Newton Baby…

So, you’ve decided to breastfeed your baby.. now what? Whether the breastfeeding journey for you lasts two months or two years, my hope is that these breastfeeding essentials will help you feel more prepared for what lies ahead! As someone who is about to enter into nursing for the second time, all I can say is that the act of feeding your baby from your body is hard no matter what information or products you have in your arsenal to prepare you. But with time, experience and the right tools – it can get so much better! If you’d like to read more about our breastfeeding journey, you can read my post: “breastfeeding: how i got my baby to gain weight” here! The Breastfeeding Products I Highly Recommend. Medela Breast Pump – This is the breast pump I used most with my first son. I had another one that I…

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