Month three has definitely been a fun one. Fischer is becoming a little bit more independent, growing like a weed and is sleeping through the night! With each passing day his sweet little personality comes out more and more and it’s so fun to watch him grow into an actual little person. He hardly ever fails to return a smile with a smile and is starting to become much more interested in toys and his surroundings. We’re also learning what works and what doesn’t in terms of keeping him happy. A few key tidbits include: not waiting until he shows signs of sleepiness to put him down for a nap; going for at least one walk a day and keeping him cool. The last one was a recent discovery and it sort of changed my life lol! I started to realize that he was getting sweaty and cranky at times so I began just letting him hang out in a short sleeve onesie without pants and he gets much less flustered. Plus, I think he enjoys being able to feel things against his skin! Thank goodness Spring came when it did.
l’ange hair products.
Let me start by saying that this post is in no way sponsored, I just recently found these hair products and tools and love them so much that I wanted to share!
Lactation-Boosting Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins
An Easy Breakfast or Snack. As a new mom, it’s something that’s constantly on my brain: my milk supply. Since I am the only source of my baby’s nutrition, I’m constantly monitoring my milk supply and semi-obsessing about whether or not he’s getting enough to eat. To help ease my mind, I’ve begun making these…
fischer scot: two month update & products we’re loving.
It’s hard to believe our little man was born two whole months ago! I’m going to start a monthly series where I give an update on our sweet little Fischer and highlight the products that we’ve been using over the past month! I think it’ll be a fun way to document and remember this special…
Welcome to Amanda Fontenot – the blog! A Glimpse of Glam has officially moved here, to! (If you missed it, head over to this blog post to read about why I’m moving and how life is changing for us!) Whether you’re completely new or have been a GG follower for a while now, you’ll…
fischer scot: birth story.
Welcome to our sweet boy’s birth story! Get ready, it’s long, but I didn’t want to leave any of it untouched! I want to remember the 16 hours that live amongst these words forever. So, here it is, start to finish. January 13, 2018 9:30am | A Slow Start It all started on a Saturday…