bumpdate at 22 weeks. It’s that time again! You guys, 22 weeks means Baby F is full term in just 15 – can you believe it? It gets more and more real every time I look down and see this growing bump. It’s getting bigger, his kicks and jabs are getting stronger and I’m so…
bumpdate: 21 weeks and registry items.
21 week bumpdate. Happy Monday, friends! Another bumpdate here for you – but first, how was all of y’alls weekend?! For once, G and I had a pretty laid back weekend – mostly because I’ve been sick and we were forced to. But, these past few days have taught me two valuable things: how to…
caramel apple dip.
my favorite snack recipe. Lately, I’ve been craving the sweetness of fruits and anything that crunches between my teeth. However, long before I was pregnant, one of my all-time favorite treats has been anything caramel apple flavored. This recipe combines my childhood favorites with my current pregnancy cravings and I couldn’t be more in love…
bumpdate: 20 weeks.
halfway there. This week’s bumpdate is a special one. It marks the halfway point in our pregnancy! I cannot believe more than three months have gone by since we’ve learned this little boy exists. Have I told you all the story of how I found out? It was actually on Mother’s Day. G was out…
bumpdate: 18 weeks.
a bumpdate on baby fontenot. It’s been a couple of weeks, but I’ve finally gotten a chance to give another bumpdate on our little bundle of joy. Since I last updated you all, my belly has grown, it’s getting harder to sleep comfortably and I’ve developed this really annoying occasional lower back pain. BUT other…
bumpdate: 15 weeks.
Bumpdate: Baby Fontenot. Now that baby boy Fontenot is finally starting to make an appearance, I thought it would be fun to keep a weekly update of his progress! I happen to start a new week of pregnancy every Monday, and what better way to start a new week than with a small dose of…