Welcome to Real Talk Sundays!

I want to set aside Sundays for the chance to just do life with you all – to share what’s going on in my and G’s life and to give you the chance to respond and share as well! It could be anything from something I’m currently struggling or succeeding in, to what I plan to accomplish this week, what I learned that morning at church – whatever.

There have been so many times where I have wanted to sit down and share something other than recipes or outfits, but I’ve been afraid that deviating from the normal content would deter readers from coming back.. but no more. I’d rather have genuine readers who would like to build and take part in community with me and if that means I lose some along the way… well, that’s okay.

So, I encourage you all to get closer. Share your lives with me too. I would love it if this blog of mine started to feel a little.. no – a LOT – less one-sided. I genuinely care about you all and want to get to know each and every one of you!

So, what am I going to start RTS with? How about a list?

In the spirit of getting a little more “real,” here is a list of nine things that I feel make me, well me:

  1. I am a follower of Jesus.
  2. I have a heart for people – especially kids.
  3. I love the written word and am much better at writing than speaking aloud.
  4. A fresh notebook and sharpened pencil make me really happy.
  5. I plan everything and often have more than one agenda.
  6. I love competition and excelled at sports.
  7. I’ve been hurt by many people whom I would consider “close” to me – and am therefore very cautious with my heart.. more so than I would wish to be.
  8. I’m kind of a neat freak.
  9. I love urban life and feel energized by the hustle and bustle of big cities.

Of course, there’s also my husband, my puppies, my love for travel and a deliciously stimulating cup of coffee – but I wanted to keep this list as fresh and expressive as possible – chances are you probably already know I love my husband, dogs and traveling 😉 Do you have any questions about my list? Don’t be afraid to ask! This is meant to generate conversation, understanding and just to dig deeper in general. I would also LOVE to hear YOUR nine things!


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