


Hello friends! *Sorry for the crummy photos – it’s been a gloomy few days here!* It’s been a while. Life’s been crazy since our move from GA to FL, but I am finally starting to feel settled and there are a few big things in the works for our new home! Before aaall the changes begin happening to this house, I thought it might be fun to give you an ‘as-is’ tour and walk you through all of the plans, ideas and inspo photos I currently have for this home of ours. Knowing me, things are likely to change a little from these initial thoughts, but it will be fun to look back on this post and see how far we’ve come later on! Okay, let’s get started 🙂 Kitchen. Let’s start with the biggest project – but the one that’s already in the works! Pretty soon, this kitchen will…

Oh boy.. where do I even begin? If you had asked me this time last year whether or not we’d be moving any time soon – let alone to the place we’re going – I would’ve adamantly denied the notion. So, what changed? It is so apparent looking back that the Lord has orchestrated everything from the beginning. From softening my stance (I was the one adamantly against the idea of this specific move for a long time) and guiding my heart to piecing together all the tiny little details that have fallen into place in order to make this move a fast-paced reality. Let me explain. Back in July we took a trip to celebrate one of my best friend’s engagement. We got to see and be surrounded by so many good, true, longtime friends who live in that town and we came out of that weekend feeling like…

This post has been a loooooong time coming, but I’m so excited to finally be sharing it with you! Before I show you around my new home office – which, truthfully, feels much more like a library or ‘den’ now – I feel like I should show you some before photos. The before. We’ve lived in this house for four years now and this room was one of the first we bought new furniture for. Since it’s right off the foyer and the very first room you see when you walk into the house, we thought it would be a good idea to get it setup the way I wanted it right away. Cute, right? I mean, it certainly was fine the way it was. Back then, I thought it was finished.. and then a couple of years went by and my design aesthetic, taste and DIY ability progressed. I’m…

As a mom who has been through the postpartum recovery phase three times now, I wanted to share some items that I think are truly so useful. Whether you add them to cart yourself or put them on your baby registry, I think you’ll be glad you have them once you’re in the recovery/newborn phase! Now, some of these items are vaginal delivery specific (like the recovery kit and donut pillow), or breastfeeding-specific (like the lactation massager, fridge and haakaa) but the swaddles, Doona and magnetic onesies are definitely a recommendation for everybody! Let me take you through each item and why I suggest you put it on your list of must-haves. Hakaa Pump I first discovered this simple little silicone breast pump after I’d had my first baby and he was struggling to gain weight in the beginning. You simply squeeze the air out of it, apply it to…

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