10 whole months! These past four weeks have been packed with beach adventures, this sweet boy’s huge appetite, new favorite toys, unconventional crawling techniques and his very first cold. This month I’m sharing some of the new products we’ve been using including toys and the things that helped him get better while sick.
month 10 highlights.
But first, the highlights.

During Fisch’s tenth month we traveled to 30A in Florida and Honolulu, Hawaii! The first was a trip with two of our favorite couples and his best gal Eloise who is just one month older. He absolutely loves the sand and the waves and I can’t wait for next year when we go back and can make sand castles together.

Our trip to Hawaii was a family vacation that we took with G’s parents and, again, had such a blast. Fischer handled 12 hours of flying there like an absolute champ and even did really well on the redeye back. Unfortunately, just as we were coming back was when I noticed he wasn’t feeling well and our arrival back to cold Fall weather probably sealed the deal in giving him his first cold that turned pretty nasty and lasted a full week. As hard as it was to see him sick, I kept reminding myself that we were pretty lucky that it was his first bout with illness in 10 months!

As for development, our little guy is eating like a CHAMP, pulls himself up with and has no issue walking around the room with our help. He still has little to no interest in crawling and we think he may just be one of those babies who skips the whole crawling thing and goes straight to walking – so funny.. and unexpected! He currently has his two bottom teeth and is getting 4 in on the top and at least one more on the bottom as I type this. He’s been handling teething like a champ, but the drool is endless!
Month number ten was so fun for us. We just absolutely love doing life with this baby boy of ours. He brings so much joy, laughter and fun to our lives and I can’t wait to see what these next two months have in store! I’m currently trying to decide about how to celebrate his first birthday in January. Any of your mamas recently throw themed parties or have any advice??

products we’re loving.
Here are a few of the products we’ve used and loved this past month!
This really helped Fischer at night with his cough and stuffy nose. I even put a few drops of lavender and tea tree essential oils in it and I swear it helped him sleep so much better!
I have to admit, I did not expect Fischer to love this as much as he does! He’s infatuated with the little hammer it came with just on its own LOL but he also pounds the balls through the holes and loves making noise on the xylophone.
I love that this chest rub has natural and safe ingredients and that it smells so good! It uses lavender and eucalyptus oils and helped with congestion. I rubbed it on Fisch’s chest and a tiny bit under his nose to help with his cough and breathing.
This may be a little random but we’ve used it to travel with Fischer’s Nuna stroller for two trips now and loved it. On this past trip to Hawaii we brought his carseat in addition to his stroller and this bag fits them both nicely! It also has straps so that you can carry it as a backpack or over your shoulder – which G found so handy.
This has been one of my favorite things to use lately. It is completely safe and attaches securely onto restaurant tables and counters. We use it while we travel and sometimes at home so that Fischer can sit at the counter and watch me cook in the kitchen!
We love this folding chair. We used it this past month at the beach and then also on Halloween night! We had Fischer sit with us on the driveway to help pass out candy. It also made the beach so much easier because we didn’t have to be holding him at every moment.
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