Thanksgiving marks the start of my most favorite time of year. Over the next month or two we’ll be celebrating, enjoying my favorite type of weather, watching the leaves change and, if we’re lucky, experiencing a snowfall or two! To celebrate today and this season, I just wanted to take a few moments to record five things I’m so grateful for this year.


Our little family grew by one at the very beginning of this year and the days since Fischer was born have been some of the most joyful, fulfilling and challenging of my life. I have always wanted to be a mother and this year I am so so grateful that God answered that prayer with a precious and healthy baby boy.

Fischer's Newborn Photos by Carolyn Allen Photography | Amanda Fontenot Blog


The way God has provided for us this year truly blows my mind. Not only was I able to quit my job and stay home with Fischer, but he opened a door for profitable side business that allows me to contribute to our family’s finances each and every month. Not only that, but G was fortunate enough to receive a hard-earned promotion and, with it, a salary raise.

But we weren’t just provided for financially.

Fischer Scot: 10 Month Update

It was made so clear to me this year that God’s provision for our family extended to the place we live and the friends we have nearby. As some of you know, we moved to Atlanta from Tallahassee sort of abruptly about two years a

go. We left a place that had been my home for 8 years and G’s for much longer than that. Tallahassee is where his parents live and it’s 2.5 hours away from my family. Moving to Atlanta put us far away from family, friends and familiar places. And then less than a year later, we got pregnant.

But it didn’t take long to see that it was all orchestrated for our benefit. G loves his job, we love where we live and our very close friends who live just a short drive away got pregnant at almost exactly the same time. It’s not hard to see that God provided for us in so many ways – including meaningful friendship during a challenging time (new location & new pregnancy/parenthood). Friendship that would extend to our baby boy and what we know will be a lasting companionship with his best gal, Eloise.


I’d always thought that getting pregnant and beginning to have kids would deplete our travel life. But this year has shown that having kids and traveling is not only possible, but it can still be fun! Of course, it’s definitely not as easy and exploring with a baby takes much more planning and is just, well, different – but we still had so much fun visiting new places this year. As a recap we visited:

The Smokey Mountains

And we have some big trips planned for next year as well!


Overalls | Amanda Fontenot | Atlanta Style Blogger

Becoming a mother this year has shifted, changed and morphed my perspective for the better. I think it’s made me more empathetic for others in their unique walks of life and situations. I’m constantly humbled and reminded that everyone has their own way of doing things and that just because something or someone functions differently, it doesn’t mean it’s wrong.  It’s also just made me so very thankful for what we’ve been through, what we’ve been blessed with and the prayers God answered – and didn’t answer. I believe we’re exactly where we’re meant to be and that God is weaving such a beautiful story for this little family of mine. This year, like any other, had its ups and downs, but I’m learning to see the beauty in the perfectly imperfect.

Wishing you all the happiest Thanksgiving!

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