I know I’m a day late, but Happy August! At the start of each new month I like to reevaluate my housework calendar and edit it according to what we have going on that month. August for us is pretty free and clear except for a party that I’m hosting on the 10th! So, leading up to that Saturday, I have a lot going on in terms of cleaning and prepping (which you’ll see on this month’s calendar).

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Just as a recap, here is how my monthly housework calendars work.
Each day of the week has a specific chore (or set of chores) assigned to it. This month, I’m changing Fridays from a ‘catch-up day’ to a Kitchen cleaning day. There are a couple reasons for this. 1) I never really utilize the ‘catch-up day’ to be honest. I either get chores done on their specific day or I just let it go till the next week. 2) I like to reserve as much of Sundays for family as possible and I’ve found that the past few weeks there’s just been more on my plate than I would like. Moving kitchen cleaning from Sunday evening to Friday afternoon frees up more time to spend with my boys. And 3) since I spend a large portion of the weekend in the kitchen (food prepping and cooking family breakfast on Saturday and Sunday), it just makes more sense for me to clean the kitchen beforehand since I think cooking in a clean kitchen makes it all so much more enjoyable.
The bold items
Each month I make my way through the house and give each room a thorough cleaning/organizing from top to bottom. I dust for cobwebs, wipe down walls, go through and tidy up drawers, wipe down furniture, clean baseboards, floors, etc. Basically, I do my cleaning card system for that room when it comes up!
For these rooms, I skip the ‘weekly tasks’ in that room because otherwise I’d be unnecessarily doubling my work. So, say the Master Suite (which I define as our room and closet) is on the calendar for the upcoming week. I’ll tend to our room and closet top to bottom and not worry about it during the week while I’m dusting upstairs on Tuesdays or cleaning floors on Thursday, etc. Compartmentalizing it like this helps me mentally to feel like I have a little less on my plate each day if that makes sense!
Each weekend I like to tackle a specific set of items and I went ahead and wrote them out on Saturday and Sunday this time so you can see how I like to divvy them up. Saturday is pretty self explanatory, but I’ll give you a rundown of how Sundays go real quick.
Every Sunday morning, the first thing I do once we’re all awake and out of bed is strip our bedding (+ Fischer’s crib) and get our sheets in the wash. I replace Fischer’s sheet right away with his spare one so he has one there for nap time, but I do our sheets first thing to avoid getting to the end of the night and forgetting to have put the sheets in the dryer. G and I have had to sleep in the guest room several times in the past because I was bad about doing this lol!
Next, we have breakfast as a family and then go to church. Then, depending on Fischer’s mood we’ll either head home for him to nap or we’ll go grocery shopping together (if we go home, I just go grocery shopping by myself while he’s napping).
When we get back I throw the sheets in the dryer and head downstairs to food prep and make lunch. We spend the rest of the day getting things done around the house and spending time together as a family – whatever that may be – and then at the end of the night G helps me strip the couch and I get the couch covers in the washing machine. I have to wash them in two loads because they’re pretty bulky, but I start the first load Sunday night and then the second first thing in the morning on Monday. Fischer and I don’t usually spend much time on the couch during the day (and if we’re wanting couch time, we use the playroom) so not having covers on the cushions Monday morning is not a big deal! Head over to this post if you’d like to read my thoughts on having a white couch and the precautions I take to keep (or make) ours clean!
Daily tasks
There are certain things that I do every single day to help things stay tidy and decluttered. These things are designated at the very bottom of the calendar and don’t take long to accomplish. Our bed gets made in the morning and I start a load of laundry then too. I declutter around the house during nap time, counters get wiped down after dinner and I usually do floor maintenance in the afternoons while Fischer is eating lunch since it usually consists of giving the living room and kitchen a quick vacuum.
Okay, friends did I leave anything out that you’d like to know about?? If so, ask ask ask! If not, I hope you find this helpful and that you have a great Friday and weekend!!
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