As I was running through my home-keeping calendar, adjusting my cleaning cards and getting ready for the month of October a couple weeks ago, the idea popped into my head for this post. Since there are so many different aspects of upkeep when it comes to your home – and the things in and around it – I thought I would jot down a few things you might be forgetting to do as you knock out chores each month. To be honest, this serves as just as much of a reminder to me as it may for y’all, so if you’re not great at keeping up with these 13 items don’t feel bad – you’re not alone!
I can definitely see myself adding to these in the future as I realize more and more things that I should do each month to make my life easier and home cleaner – so be sure to follow me on Instagram and I’ll draw your attention to any changes that are made to this blog post!
Okay, let’s get started with my 13 things you should clean each month.
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1. Dust Blinds

I’ll admit something to you. Blinds were something I had no clue about until fairly recently. I was NOT good at remembering to dust them regularly and tried all the wrong methods (including taking a damp cloth and even a sock to them *facepalm*) before I learned that they’re really not that big a deal! I simply added them to the list on my deep cleaning cards (read this post for more info) and they get done fairly quickly once a month!
I use this set of blind dusters, which makes the job SO much faster and easier. I simply spray the duster with a mix of essential oils and water and the combination of moisture and microfiber traps dust particles like a champ. Just be sure to dust your blinds before you dust the surfaces around the room, there will undoubtedly be some small particles that release into the air and eventually settle on table tops and décor items so do them first to avoid undoing your dusting efforts and in order to clean more efficiently.
2. Vacuums & Mops
This is another thing I recently started doing. For many years I didn’t think about the condition of my cleaning tools. But, not only does cleaning them extend their lifetime (and save you money), but vacuums and mops can be such a haven for germs and bacteria – you’re really doing your household a favor by giving them a quick cleaning once a month! Here’s a step-by-step on how to clean your vacuum:
Step 1: Ensure the vacuum or mop is unplugged if applicable
Step 2: Remove, dump and wash any piece part the can come off
Step 3: Clean the filter(s) and rinse the canister
Step 4: Straighten a wire hanger if you have one and poke it through tubes, hoses and pathways to ensure no clogs exist
Step 5: Use a long-handled dusting tool (or make one by wrapping dryer sheets around a broom handle and taping them into place), dust the inside of hoses and pathways.
Step 6: Lay the vacuum on its side and cut away any hairs or strings that have been caught in the combs or bristles.
Step 7: Spray a microfiber cloth with a disinfecting solution and wipe down the outside of the vacuum or mop thoroughly – including the cord.
Trust me when I say it really pays off to do this once a month! It will extend the life of your tools, save you money in the long run and help make your cleaning routine more efficient. Remember – dirty vacuums can emit dust and dirt into the air while you’re using them, so it’s really helpful to keep them clean!
Related content: Everything I Use to Clean Our Home
3. Washer
Most washers these days have a self-cleaning setting on them. Our Whirlpool washer recommends using an Affresh tablet. On the day of the month that I’m scheduled to deep clean the Laundry Room, I’ll make sure the washer is clear, throw a tablet in there and simply let it run on the self-clean cycle. Super easy – but often times forgotten!

4. Doors & Doorknobs
Doorknobs are the simplest way to catch and spread germs throughout the house, so they need a quick wipe down with a disinfecting solution each month! Depending on what your doorknobs are made of, just be careful what you use to clean them so as not to tarnish or discolor them. A mild cleaning solution sprayed on a clean cloth should do the trick. While you’re at it, you may as well give the whole door a good wipe down. The grooves in most doors can sometimes be very good at catching dust and grime – so freshening them up once a month can do wonders to make your home sparkle!
5. Descale Coffee Maker
Have you ever noticed your morning coffee start to lose its appeal? Chances are it needs a good cleaning! Once a month when I give the kitchen a really thorough cleaning, I’ll also descale the coffee maker and give it a thorough wipe down. This process is super easy and makes such a difference in the life of your coffee maker and the taste of your morning cup of jo! Here’s what you do:
Step 1: Spray the exterior of the coffee maker with a non-abrasive cleaner and wipe down with a clean cloth.
Step 2: Mix equal parts vinegar and water in the carafe and pour into the water dispenser as if you’re running it for a cup of coffee. Start the brew cycle.
Step 3: Halfway through the brew cycle, turn the machine off and let it sit for about an hour, then turn it back on to finish the cycle.
Step 4: Rinse the carafe thoroughly and fill it with plain water. Pour it into the maker and start the cycle again. Keep running the cycle with plain water until you no longer smell vinegar.
Step 5: Clean the carafe and filter with warm soapy water and set them on a towel to dry completely.
6. Wash Trash Bins
We all know dirty trash bins can be a nuisance as they can make our kitchen – and entire home sometimes smell gross. That’s why they’re something we should give a quick cleaning to every month. But kitchen trash bins aren’t the only ones in our home. As a part of my cleaning card system, I try to remember to wash the trash bins around our home once a month. I simply take a wash rag and soap to them and rinse them thoroughly (either outside with the hose, in the bathtub or even the kitchen sink depending on the size of your bin). This also goes for your outdoor trash bin! For that one, I’ll pour some Pine Sol at the bottom, fill it halfway or so with water from the hose and let it sit for a while. Then simply rinse it out.
7. Microwave
Have you guys seen that episode of the office where Pam complains about the microwave and gets in a sparring match with Ryan about cleaning it out? 😉 That’s always what I think about when I’m cleaning the microwave haha. Anyway – here’s an easy process for getting your microwave lemony fresh:
Step 1: Wipe down the microwave with a clean damp cloth to remove any crumbs or easy-to-wipe stains.
Step 2: Squeeze the juice of a whole lemon into a microwave safe bowl. Add one cup of water and place the rhinds in the bowl as well.
Step 3: Run the microwave for 5 minutes. When it goes off, don’t open it right away – let it sit for 5-10 mins to let it work its magic.
Step 4: Carefully remove the bowl and wipe down the interior. Remove the turntable and wash in the sink (if needed) or simply just wipe it down.
Step 5: Use the bowl of lemon water as a cleaning solution to wipe down stubborn spots as well as the outside of the microwave.
8. Dishwasher
It’s so easy to forget to sanitize your dishwasher but it makes a world of difference when you do it once a month! Have you ever noticed your washer getting a weird or funky smell? Old food particles, bacteria and even mold can be causing that! To clean it well, simply pour one cup of vinegar into the bottom of an empty dishwasher. Then, run it on a heavy wash cycle. Depending on how dirty or smelly your dishwasher is, you can then pour one cup of baking soda at the bottom and then run it on a second, light cycle. You’ll be amazed at how big of a difference this makes!
9. Deep Clean Disposal
This is another area of the kitchen that can cause bad odors and, let’s be honest, it can just get really nasty over the course of a month. Luckily, there’s a quick and easy fix for sanitizing your garbage disposal:
Step 1: Pour ½ Cup baking soda down the disposal and chase it with 1 Cup of vinegar.
Step 2: Let the mixture sit for 10-15 minutes.
Step 3: Boil a kettle full of water
Step 4: Dump the boiling water down the drain while running the disposal
Additionally, for intermittent maintenance, any time you are peeling an orange or using a lemon, drop a couple piece of the rind into the disposal and run it with running water. This serves to help freshen it up and clean the blades.
10. Minor Appliances
Maybe you do this on a regular basis, but I definitely forget to sometimes. So, I put it on my kitchen cleaning card to take out our minor appliances and give them a good wipe down/cleaning. The blender, instant pot, standing mixer, crockpot and toaster are all things that get cleaned every month. To do this, I’ll mix a few drops of castile soap (this is my favorite) with warm water in a spray bottle, shake it up and spray a microfiber cloth. Then I’ll wipe down each appliance before wiping them down again with a clean dry cloth. For stubborn spots, I find that magic eraser works really well!
11. Cabinets and Hardware
This is pretty straightforward, but really makes a big difference in the way your kitchen looks. I try to spot clean them on a weekly basis, but at least once a month I’ll take that castile soap/water mixture to a cloth and wipe everything down really well. Make sure you don’t use an abrasive cleaning solution or tool (like a regular sponge) as they can dull and damage the surfaces. For stubborn grime and spots, use an old toothbrush to scrub them clean.
12. Backsplash

Our last house was the first one we had where we actually had a tile backsplash and I was amazed one day when I noticed how dirty it was. However, no matter what the backs of your counters are made of, they definitely need some attention every once in a while. I spray ours down with the castile soap/water mixture and wipe them clean with a microfiber cloth. If the grout is looking gross, I’ll take my favorite grout brush and scrub it clean before wiping down.
13. Car
I used to struggle to keep my car clean – inside and out – and couldn’t understand why. Who knew a couple of simple organization tools and a 30 minute routine once a month would keep my car from being buried in dust, dirt, crumbs and random objects!
First of all, there are two things I keep in the car to help make sure it stays organized: a storage caddy and a trash bag. Let’s talk about these real quick.
1. Storage Caddy – I use this that I got off Amazon and use it for Fischer’s necessities and a few other things. If you’re not a mom, it can still come in handy for things you want to keep in the car like sunglasses, leather wipes, napkins, etc.! Ours sits in the back trunk area of my SUV and holds things like diapers, wipes, hand sanitizer, books and toys. It’s so convenient and great for road trips or even days where I don’t want to bring (or forget) my diaper bag.
2. Trash bag – it never fails. We have food or snacks in the car, grab a can of seltzer on the way out the door or accumulate flyers or things we don’t necessarily need while we’re out and about. For these things, I keep a couple of regular grocery bags tucked under the seat. That way I can keep all the trash and random things together until the next stop at the gas station or if I remember to throw it out in our trash can in the garage.
Finally, every month I make time for a trip to the car wash. I find it so much more convenient to go through the drive-thru wash than doing it at home. The one we go to is only $7 for a basic wash and allows you to use their high suction vacuums, microfiber towels and cleaning solutions for free afterwards – so that’s what we do! My car gets a good scrub on the outside, vacuum on the inside and gets thoroughly wiped down once a month, which does wonders for its upkeep and my peace of mind.

And that’s it my friends! Did you find any of these items enlightening? Do you do any of them already? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below!
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