Our daily routine or how I make time for everything throughout the day is one of my most received questions. So, I thought it was about time a post lived here on the blog that I can refer people to. I also intend for this post to be as helpful as possible – with as much detail as possible! Read on as I detail our schedule hour-by-hour for a typical weekday.

Now, I feel like I definitely need to preface this post with a disclaimer.

This schedule isn’t written in stone. There are days when we stick to this routine and days when it gets thrown out the window entirely. But I find it immensely helpful to have it to refer to either way. Not only that, but I think it helps my 2 year-old to have some sort of structure and routine.

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A Day in the Life: Our Weekday Schedule | Lifestyle | Amanda Fontenot Blog

Quick Tip:

If you’re looking for an easy way to stay on track throughout the day, I took the time to set alarms on my phone. It may seem excessive, but it helps me so much! It’s also one way an Apple Watch comes in SO handy. There’s several times throughout the day when I set my phone down and sort of forget about it. But my alarms still go off on my Apple Watch letting me know it’s time to move on to a new task. So convenient!

Alright, so let’s talk routine!


Most mornings I try to wake up around 5am. I haven’t always been a morning person, but I find that it really helps me in so many ways to be up bright and early. Click here if you’d like to read the post I’ve written all about waking up early! Since this pregnancy started, I’ve been allowing myself to sleep in here and there when I feel my body needs more rest, but 5am is when my alarm is set for the morning. Here’s exactly how the mornings schedule goes:

5:00     Wake up
The time I wake up sometimes varies, but usually no later than 5:30 I’m heading downstairs to make coffee and spend at least a few minutes reading my Bible and reflecting on scripture.

5:45     Workout
I feel so much better about myself and my day in general when I start the day with a workout. Just a quick 30-minute workout is all it takes!

6:15     Smoothie & Laundry
After my workout, I make a breakfast smoothie and head upstairs to start a load of laundry.

6:30     Shower and Get Ready
I’m one of those people who has to take a shower in the morning. It helps me wake up and get prepared for the day! On days when I need to wash my hair (about twice a week), I take another shower at night and either let it air dry while I sleep or blow dry it before bed. This just helps keep my getting ready time down in the mornings.

7:15 Fischer Wakes Up
We’ve recently started a slightly new routine with Fischer’s schedule and it’s working so nicely. He was waking up at really odd times, his eating was off and so were his naps. Before, I was waiting until at least 7:30 to go get him and his meals/snacks were a little sporadic throughout the day (just not on a firm schedule). But now, one of the things I’m making sure of is that he’s getting out of bed at 7:15 and starting breakfast by 7:30. It’s been a great first step and that, coupled with a more consistent eating/napping schedule has worked WONDERS for him (and us)!

7:30     Breakfast
Fischer gets to watch a cartoon (usually Mickey Mouse Clubhouse or Daniel Tiger on PBS) while I check emails and make my to-do list for the day. We sit at the kitchen island where he can see the TV and I love this part of the morning. Something about morning cartoons and baby chatter at the counter makes me so happy 🙂

8:00     Outdoor Play.
After breakfast, I sit outside with him for a while and do something work-related. He’s so happy to get out in the yard, finding sticks, chasing the dogs or playing in his water table. Other ideas include coloring pages, sidewalk chalk and bubbles! Doesn’t really matter what it is as long as he’s out getting some fresh air.

8:30     Cleanup Time
Fisch continues playing while I head inside to clean up the breakfast dishes and do some daily vacuuming. I can see Fischer from the kitchen/family room, so this works well.

9:00     Independent Play/Work Time
Fischer comes inside, I turn on some music (or a cooking show, Disney movie or sometimes a cartoon) and it’s time for some independent play for Fisch while I get some work done. A little something I’ve learned about screen time with Fischer – the more the TV is on, the less Fischer is really that interested in it. Which I think is great! Especially since I love having some sort of background noise on during the day. But if this isn’t the case for your little, I recommend putting on some music (we use Pandora) if you’re a background noise person like me!

9:45     Playroom Play
We head upstairs so Fischer can play in the playroom. I move the laundry to the dryer and do some tidying up upstairs. If it’s Monday or Tuesday I’ll either clean the bathrooms during this time or dust the upstairs rooms. You can refer to my daily cleaning schedule here to learn more!

10:30   Time Together
We go back downstairs and this is the chunk of time where I focus on spending time together. We have snack time, arts and crafts, read books and/or play outside together for the rest of the morning. If we weren’t under quarantine, this is the window of time where we’d go on playdates or run errands… **sigh** one day…

Afternoons and Evenings

12:30   Lunch
We all eat lunch together – even G since he’s been working from home every day. It’s so nice to have that extra bit of family time!

1:00     Nap Time
Fischer goes down for a nap and I spend the first 30 minutes folding and putting away laundry. Then, I finish up whatever cleaning tasks didn’t get done in the morning. After that I have at least an hour to get some work done.

3:30     Snack
Fischer wakes up and we have snack. After that it’s books and I put on some music. This is an hour I like to put work down for a while and spend time with him too.

4:30     Screen Time
Fischer’s allowed some dedicated screen (either on his tablet or the TV) while I either work or clean. His tablet is just an old Kindle Fire we had that he can play games and puzzles or watch videos on. This is usually around the time G is off work too, so they’re hanging out.

5:15     Outdoors
By this time I need to start making dinner and encourage Fischer to go outside get some end-of-the-day energy out. But sometimes he’s watching a Disney movie or a show with G and I let them have some snuggle time on the couch.

6:00     Dinner, bath, books, bed.
By about 6 o’Clock we’re all sitting down to have dinner together, which takes about 30 minutes. Afterwards, I’m usually the one taking Fischer up for bath while G cleans up dinner dishes. He’ll then usually join us in time for books and to say goodnight. Fischer’s usually in bed by himself by 7:45.

Once Fischer goes down for the night, G and I can usually be found catching up on a show. During that time I’ll simultaneously work on a blog post, client projects or write emails until bed!

I hope this routine rundown was helpful! Like I said, it’s not always followed to a tee. Sometimes there’s a little more play and less work getting done. Sometimes I nap while Fischer naps (more common now that I’m pregnant lol). And sometimes I employ screen-time more often than is indicated here. But it’s all good and really so helpful to have an ideal routine and schedule to refer back to during the day!

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