It has been such a special couple of weeks getting to share the joy of our pregnancy and now a gender reveal with you! For reasons some of you may not know, it has taken me longer than any other pregnancy to be ready to share this one publicly. I think that’s partly because this will be our last baby and I wanted to savor the good news as long as possible. But I know it’s also because there has been so much fear and anxiety that has come alongside the joy.

Our second rainbow baby.
As I was sitting down to write this post, I realized that just last week was our previous baby’s due date. Last December, I found out I was pregnant and we were sooo happy. But it wasn’t long before things began to go wrong. After seeing the baby and its heartbeat in an early ultrasound, I started to miscarry. Then, in January, on my 32nd birthday, I found myself sitting at the doctors office having an ultrasound to confirm that the pregnancy had finished leaving my body. It was surreal. The grief was immense and I was angry that it was happening to me.. to us.. AGAIN.
In the back of my mind doubts began to form as to whether I wanted to try again. I wasn’t sure if I could handle the idea or the possibility of another loss. And for a while after we did start trying again, it seemed like maybe it wasn’t meant to be. But, about five months later that blue test read ‘pregnant’ and I prayed so hard that this would be our second rainbow baby.
God is good.
Baby Fontenot is a..
So here we are. A couple week’s into my second trimester and feeling so hopeful, joyful and excited!
Last Thursday, I headed to my gender ultrasound while G went to go pick the boys up from school. The plan was to have the technician keep the gender a secret until the small gender reveal gathering that we were hosting that Saturday. But, the baby’s bottom flashed across the screen and as a mom who had seen two of her own gender sonograms plus plenty of friends’ – I knew exactly what I was looking at and the secret was ruined LOL!
Of course, when I got home G wanted to see and it was honestly one of my favorite moments. So, these photos are from the gender reveal on Saturday where we got to share with a few of our close friends. Although it wasn’t exactly the reveal I had planned, it was still so much fun to share!
So, here we go..
Our precious little finale baby is a…

Baby GIRL Fontenot.
Y’all we are OVER. THE. MOON! To be honest with you, I hadn’t really let myself entertain the possibility of the baby being a girl. I kind of just assumed we’d have a third boy and I was content at the idea of being a boy mama through and through! It wasn’t until I saw that baby bottom on the screen that I realized HOW MUCH I wanted a sweet baby girl. The tears of joy came fast and steady and I’m just so so grateful 🙂
So thank you! Thank you for sharing in our joy and excitement. I know about 99.9% of you were also hoping and feeling like this would be a baby girl! And I’m so grateful for your kind words and encouragement!
I can’t wait to teach this little lady everything I know – like how to cover a bunt from third base, throw a football and use power tools.. HAHA🤣😂
JK.. but seriously💕
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