Oh boy.. where do I even begin?
If you had asked me this time last year whether or not we’d be moving any time soon – let alone to the place we’re going – I would’ve adamantly denied the notion.
So, what changed?
It is so apparent looking back that the Lord has orchestrated everything from the beginning. From softening my stance (I was the one adamantly against the idea of this specific move for a long time) and guiding my heart to piecing together all the tiny little details that have fallen into place in order to make this move a fast-paced reality. Let me explain.
Back in July we took a trip to celebrate one of my best friend’s engagement. We got to see and be surrounded by so many good, true, longtime friends who live in that town and we came out of that weekend feeling like we were missing out on something beautiful. It’s funny.. G and I didn’t even really acknowledge it to one another until the days or weeks after, but when we finally did we realized we both were feeling the exact same way. In a brief conversation we daydreamed for a minute about what it would be like to move there but chocked it up to the notion that, “There would have to be so many little details that would have to work out to even make that a possibility.” So we dismissed it as somewhat of a pipe dream and went about life.
But those tiny details did work themselves out… in a matter of weeks. From a brief and passing conversation with G’s boss that turned into a full-blown 100% remote contract, which started our house hunt; To our realtor friend happening to touch base with us as G’s parents were heading to an open house at a property we saw that morning (she was able to meet them at the house then and there and encouraged a quick offer if we were interested. Because of that our offer was accepted and signed just moments before they received a second); To going from thinking we might start looking for houses in the Spring since it was the end of November at that point and we wouldn’t be able to buy and sell before school was back after the holidays; To putting our house on the market around 10am on a Thursday thinking we had the weekend at least before showings would occur, then having to be out by noon and for the rest of the day and all of the next due to 35 back-to-back showings, multiple offers on the first day and being under contract for WAY over asking just two days after listing; To always having said our next house would HAVE to have an amazing yard/outdoor space to make us want to leave the one we have now and love so much – our new house has a huge green space, large deck AND a pool; To G having enough time off saved up this year that he was able to take the entire month of December off and therefore help prep the house, field emails and calls and paperwork, help with showings, pack, move etc….
I mean, there are even more details, but this gives you an idea of all the behind the scenes!
So, wait, where are we going…?
Back to the place G and I met and got married. Back to his hometown.. where my in-laws live. Back to the place where we went to college and can’t wait to raise our kids going to FSU football games and events. Back to what feels like.. home.
The house we closed on *TODAY* is within a 10 minute drive to G’s parents and almost every single one of our several friends who live in town – all of whom have kids right around our kids’ ages! We have both sat in awe so many times thinking about what life will be like and how it will truly be SO different than the one we’re living now.. in all the best ways.
That’s definitely not to say we won’t miss what we have here in Atlanta. Emotions have truly been a rollercoaster the past couple of weeks. I’ll go from being excited and giddy to bursting into tears thinking of leaving our kids’ lifelong friends and the friend family we’ve built here.. The house we brought two of our babies home to and the one we poured SO much life, blood, sweat and tears into. I discovered what I think my true calling is in this home and it will forever hold the most special place in my heart. Boy, will it be hard to shut the door behind us when we go.
But that’s what we’ll be doing in just seven days..
But I am looking forward to bringing y’all along for the ride! Stay tuned for the lowdown on the new house and the several projects we have planned to do in the near future, as well as the ones I’d like to do as time and budget permit. I can’t wait to share! For now just think: cozy, cottage, European charm 🙂 Eeek!
Thanks for being here, friends!

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