Welp, here we go again! It’s been a couple of years, but it feels like just yesterday that we were doing this for the boys’ room in our last home. I love it though – there’s something about designing kids’ rooms that makes me happy and nostalgic – and this new vintage coastal boys’ room design is no different.
I used to LOVE picking things out for my room when I was a kid. My family built our home just before I went into high school and I think – actually, I know – that whole process is what made me fall in love with designing homes and decor. With that in mind, I try to let my kids give their input in planning their rooms as much as possible.. I mean.. within reason 😉 This design-loving mama can only relinquish so much control.. ya know? I’ve actually learned that the best way to *help* a child design their own space (when you actually care what it looks like), is to ask them what they want and then give them choices that YOU choose within those parameters. That way they still have a hand in the process, but you control the overall vision and execution. For example, the boys wanted a “blue” room – so in order to avoid a crazy teal or electric blue type situation (two colors I quickly realized were at the top of Fischer’s list) – I gave them a couple of choices of colors that wouldn’t make me want to barf every time I walked in the room 😉 A simple and subtle technique.. but effective!
All of that being said, I wanted to share our coastal boys’ room design board and what I’ll be working toward bringing to reality this week!
Vintage Coastal Boys’ Shared Room Design Idea.

Fish Prints | Linen Blackout Curtains | Kids Dresser | Shells Print | Rattan Wall Sconce | Name Pendant | Gray Rug | Twin Size Bed
I love this design – the boys helped put it together after a weekend we spent at the beach. It was such a sweet family vacation where we made some really amazing memories and I love that their new room will be a little reminiscent of that trip. I’m also learning to embrace the fact that we live in Florida now – and am having fun letting the coastal vibe seep ever-so-slightly into some design plans!
Now, if you missed it, my phone – which held a ton of project photos and videos – recently decided to abruptly die. So I don’t have a good before and I lost the videos I made of me painting the walls. But there’s still more painting and all the decorating to do! Here is what it looks like as of right now.
The Before.

I’ll be working on painting the remaining trim around the windows and doors – and the doors themselves. I’ve also got to put together their new dresser, get y’all’s opinion on a rug, hang decor on the walls, etc. So, come along on Instagram this week as we bring this little boys’ room to life!
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