easter outfit made easy. Easter is a week away! If you’re in the same boat as me, you really haven’t given much thought to your Easter outfit. So as I was looking for something to wear for myself next weekend, I thought I’d collect some of the best things I came across to share with…
spring neutrals: cream cardigan, wrap tops, white jeans.
If you haven’t guessed by now, I’m a sucker for neutrals- even for spring. I love this soft combination of blush pink, cream and white for a casual every day outfit for a day spent at home or out and about!
pink seersucker pajamas
Pajamas and loungewear have been at the very forefront of my radar ever since having a baby. Since I’m home all day with him, what I really crave in terms of attire is comfort and things that are nursing friendly. This pajama set hits both those marks!
fischer scot: two month update & products we’re loving.
It’s hard to believe our little man was born two whole months ago! I’m going to start a monthly series where I give an update on our sweet little Fischer and highlight the products that we’ve been using over the past month! I think it’ll be a fun way to document and remember this special…
Welcome to Amanda Fontenot – the blog! A Glimpse of Glam has officially moved here, to AmandaFontenot.com! (If you missed it, head over to this blog post to read about why I’m moving and how life is changing for us!) Whether you’re completely new or have been a GG follower for a while now, you’ll…
fischer scot: birth story.
Welcome to our sweet boy’s birth story! Get ready, it’s long, but I didn’t want to leave any of it untouched! I want to remember the 16 hours that live amongst these words forever. So, here it is, start to finish. January 13, 2018 9:30am | A Slow Start It all started on a Saturday…