yosemite with friends.

On the eve of another adventure, I couldn’t help but break out a few photos of my last one. Last month, I went on a hiking and camping trip with two of my best gal pals in Yosemite National Park and I can’t tell you how grateful I am to have had that experience. Upon our arrival at the park, we set up camp, pitched a tent, built a fire and poured some wine. The two friends I went with are the kind that sincerely quench your soul. The three of us are happiest with our eyes behind a lens or when our hands are creating. We love Jesus. We ask each other the hard things and build abs by laughing hard and giggling often. There’s something so sweet about having friends who are so much like you, yet who are different enough to add a unique perspective.

Hope you enjoy these views as much as we did!

Scenes from Yosemite | A Glimpse of Glam Scenes from Yosemite | A Glimpse of Glam Scenes from Yosemite | A Glimpse of Glam Scenes from Yosemite | A Glimpse of GlamScenes from Yosemite | A Glimpse of Glam Scenes from Yosemite | A Glimpse of Glam Scenes from Yosemite | A Glimpse of Glam Scenes from Yosemite | A Glimpse of Glam Scenes from Yosemite | A Glimpse of Glam Scenes from Yosemite | A Glimpse of Glam Scenes from Yosemite | A Glimpse of Glam Scenes from Yosemite | A Glimpse of Glam Scenes from Yosemite | A Glimpse of GlamScenes from Yosemite | A Glimpse of GlamScenes from Yosemite | A Glimpse of Glam Scenes from Yosemite | A Glimpse of Glam Scenes from Yosemite | A Glimpse of GlamScenes from Yosemite | A Glimpse of Glam Scenes from Yosemite | A Glimpse of Glam

This upcoming adventure won’t be a girls trip – but it will involve hiking and exploring! G and I are headed to Zion National Park in Utah and Antelope Canyon in Arizona! Follow along on instagram and/or snapchat to keep up with our adventures! Also, as a little teaser, be sure to check back on July 4th for a special post! I didn’t get around to creating anything Independence Day themed – but hopefully what I do have planned will make up for it 🙂


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