I’m finally kicking of my Sunday series. My goal moving forward is to share something faith-based at least two Sundays a month. Not quite sure what it will look like exactly, but I know that I need to start somewhere and I pray God will use these posts in some meaningful way. I’ve actually had it on my heart to share with you guys about what I believe in for a long time now. After I became saved the summer after my senior year of high school, I prayed and longed for a way to reach people who may not know Jesus that was my own. Slowly, I began to realize that writing was the gift He gave me, and I attribute any success I’ve gained with this blog to be by His hand. With that in mind, I don’t want any influence I may have to go to waste. Yes, I share about clothing and shoes and what sales are happening at any point in time. But, all of those things pale in comparison to Him.
what i believe.
Let me begin by giving you a brief summation of what I do believe. I believe we were created by an all-knowing, sovereign and fiercely loving God. I believe He is three-in-one and that He exists as God in heaven, the Spirit that lives among those who choose to follow Him and as the Son, Jesus, whom He sent to model unattainable perfection. Also, I believe Jesus was sent to atone for the sin that lives among us all and that His death and resurrection makes us blameless in God’s sight.
You see, God is both our defender and our judge. He is jealous for our love and attention. After all, he created us to bear HIS image. Not the images of other idols or false gods. At the same time, he gave us free will. He does not stop us from doing things that hurt others, ourselves and, ultimately, Him. In the Old Testament, God demanded the sacrifice of animals to atone for our sins. These rituals served as a reminder that God was mighty, that there was sin in the world and that God’s thirst for our attention must be quenched in some way.
However, after repeated failure on our part to live wholesome lives for God alone, He knew He had to do something that would make us realize how much He is FOR US and not against us. What says that more than sacrifice? And not just a clean, quick sacrifice either – which he could have easily orchestrated. No. Jesus endured the most gruesome and painful death imaginable. He was stripped naked, brutally beaten and crucified. Nailed to a cross. All so that God could show us just how much He loves us. No other god; no other religion is based upon a father who gave up his one and only son so that their followers may live and taste love.
my God loves.
My heart pounds heavy and my eyes well up with tears as I read that truth over and over again. Jesus saves and my God loves me. He loves you too, friend. If you don’t follow Him or if you’ve never heard this side of Christianity before and have questions, I pray you’d reach out. I’d love to (try to) answer your questions. I’d love for a sense of community to dwell here. I don’t claim to know everything. Not even close. But, I made the conscious decision to follow Jesus almost exactly 10 years ago and it’s finally time to step out of my comfort zone and attempt to make a difference here in this space. Even if I reach just one person…If I can stir up questions in one person’s heart about who God is – I’ll consider it all worth it.
Happy Sunday, my friends. I hope you feel encouraged today.
Love you, Amanda and thankful for all He’s done and is doing in your life! Glad you are sharing who He is and what He’s done.
Love you, DC! Forever grateful for the role you’ve played in my journey.