This past month has been one of the most progressive thus far for Fischer. By that, I mean that he has grown so much in terms of personality and capability. He pulls himself up when we give him our hands, ‘talks’ both to himself and to us and shovels food in his mouth by the handful. He has grown so much more interested in different toys and I think I could watch him play and talk to himself literally all day.

We’re still nursing since my supply seems to have made a full recovery after I was sick a couple of weeks ago (thankfully)! I did spend a couple of days ‘power pumping’ to help it come back, which is when you pump for 20 mins, take a 10 min break and pump for another 10. I did that maybe twice a day for 2 or 3 days and I’d say it really did help. I’ve also been taking capsuled fenugreek in the morning and before bed so I’d say that combination has definitely been a winner!

Fischer Scot: 9 Month Update & Schedule | Amanda Fontenot Blog | AtlantaIn terms of sleep, Fisch has been killing it. He goes down for bed and naps like a champ and has been sleeping through the night consistently. He’s napping twice a day for about an hour to an hour and a half with an occasional evening power nap but that’s becoming few and far between.

We’ve gotten into a really great routine with our boy. We feel comfortable spending the afternoon away from the house or even going on a day trip like we did this past weekend to go apple picking and wine tasting in the mountains. He’s pretty laidback, willing to go with the flow and so ready to offer the sweetest smile to passersby.

Fischer Scot: 9 Month Update & Schedule | Amanda Fontenot Blog | Atlanta


Since Fisch hasn’t really been using anything new of mention in terms of baby products I thought I’d share his current schedule instead of the items we’re loving at the moment. Hope it helps some of you mamas who may be wondering how to navigate this phase or give some of you an idea of what life might look like with your little one when they reach this point! Let me know if you have any questions!


6:45-7:00 / Wake & Feed This is when Fischer wakes up pretty consistently. I’ll go in and depending on how wet his diaper is I’ll either change him then nurse him or vice-versa. If I can help it I feed him first because otherwise he gets really cranky when I put him down on his changing table.

Fischer Scot: 9 Month Update & Schedule | Amanda Fontenot Blog | Atlanta

7:15-7:45 / Play After he’s eaten we sit on the floor of his room and read books and play with his toys. Once he’s grown tired of that we’ll get dressed and go for our morning walk.

8:30 / Breakfast When we come back in from our walk, I’ll set him in his seat up on the kitchen counter and let him watch me make his breakfast (which he loves). He gets a few different types of finger foods (usually fruits and maybe bits and pieces of our dinner the night before i.e., pasta, black beans, proteins, etc.) and then 4-6 ounces of purees. Side note: in the photo below, I know he has chunks of food that are really big – this photo was from when he was still having a little trouble grabbing things so I gave him a variety of different sizes to grab and chew on. I am always watching him like a hawk when he eats so don’t worry! 😉

Fischer Scot: 9 Month Update & Schedule | Amanda Fontenot Blog | Atlanta

9:00 / Nap Fischer’s morning nap is usually his longest.

10:30 / Wake & Feed

10:45 / Play


12:30 / Nap Eventually, we will add in lunch around noon. But for now he goes straight from playing to napping in the afternoon

1:30 / Wake & Feed

1:45 / Play

3:30 / Catnap (sometimes!) I usually try to put him down around this time just to see. But if he’s not having it after about 20 minutes I’ll go in and get him. To pass the time since this is his most fussy time of day, we’ll go for another walk, sit outside or go run an errand (i.e., run to the store to get ingredients for dinner, go get a coffee, etc.).


6:00 / Dinner Another round of finger foods and 6 ounces of purees.

6:45 / Bath & Bedtime routine Our bedtime begins with a bath. Once that’s finished and we put on his pajamas we go downstairs where he says goodnight to Dad and I grab his bottle that’s been in the warmer while he bathed. We then head upstairs and I turn out the light, turn on his sound machine and give him his bottle while I rock him (his bottle is 5-6 ounces of breastmilk that I pumped the night before). He’s almost always really sleepy by the time he’s done and I’ve burped him. So I’ll rock him for a few minutes while I rub his back and then put him down in his crib.

7:15-7:30 / Asleep for the night

Fischer Scot: 9 Month Update & Schedule | Amanda Fontenot Blog | Atlanta

Hope this was helpful or simply just enlightening if you were wondering about his schedule! Thanks for following along with our sweet little Fischer as he puts month after month under his belt.

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