As a stay-at-home mom who also runs a freelance business and blog, I’m often asked this question: When do you work?  That, or I get asked how I stay organized and manage my time. The honest answer is: sometimes I do and sometimes I don’t. Sometimes I’m really good at time management and sometimes not so much. Sometimes I get a ton accomplished and some days Fischer and I stay in our pajamas and read books and watch movies until well past noon. And I’m okay with that.

But I have learned a few actionable methods that help me to manage my time and make the most of my days – as a mom, a wife and a business owner. Whether you work in an office or from home; are a mom, wife, both or neither, f you can internalize each of these steps and make them work for you – then they have the potential to help you the way they’ve helped me! Effective time management can truly assist in making the most of your day. So here are my five best tips for doing so:

Make Lists.

I’ve always been a list person. Groceries, to-do’s, goals, packing, etc. – it all goes down on paper (or sometimes typed in Word… or Notes in my iPhone). But something I’ve been doing recently is making a list on Sunday nights for the week. I’ll also make one each night before I go to bed. In doing that, I identify what I want to accomplish and what is most pressing. I write it all down and, as I go throughout my day, I chip away at the list one by one. Something to keep in mind – your list doesn’t have to be long, it just needs to remind you of the things that need to get done and to help you prioritize your time. Here’s an example of today’s list:


  • Edit package content
  • Edit web content
  • Answer emails
  • Start crockpot
  • Make baby food
  • Clean ceiling fans

2. Work While They Sleep.

Sometimes I can sneak a few minutes of work in while Fischer is playing independently, but for the most part I like to get work done while he sleeps. He is currently taking two naps a day that last between an hour and an hour and 20 minutes. Here’s how I use that time:

Nap 1:

  • Shower + get ready
  • Make a cup of coffee
  • Knock one thing off my work to-do list

Nap 2:

  • Work
  • Housework if time allows

When I say ‘work’ I mean anything that I’m trying to get done for my freelance business (I’m a freelance content manager) or my blog. I can usually do things like start the crockpot, make baby food or even vacuum while he’s awake since he likes to watch.

Then, once Fischer goes down for bed, G and I have dinner and then we’ll often watch a show or two. So, while we’re sitting on the couch I’ll usually break out my laptop and finish up projects or write blog posts.

If you’re not working around a child’s sleeping schedule, my best advice for getting work done is to knock it out one-by-one. First, tackle the thing you’re least looking forward to and it will only get easier from there!

3. Meal Prep.

This is one of my favorite time-saving tips. On Sundays we go to the store as a family after church and pick up any groceries we need for the week. Then Fischer either goes down for a nap or has his Dad to play with so I like to meal prep as much as I can for the upcoming week. I’ll chop fruits and veggies for snacks and sides, put crockpot meal ingredients together in one big ziplock and I’ll make things like roasted sweet potatoes and plain cooked pasta for the baby to eat throughout the week. This saves me so much time and forethought later on when I’m tired and trying to juggle all the things at once!

Another little tip when it comes to meals. When I can, I’ll double recipes that we’re having for dinner or just make extra of something. When we’re cleaning up after dinner, we portion what’s left over into these glass containers which G can easily grab as he’s leaving for work or I can quickly stick in the microwave for an effortless lunch during the week. It’s quicker than actually ‘meal prepping’ separate lunches and so much cheaper than going out to eat!

4. Commit to One a Day.

Whether you work/mom from home or not, chances are you try to keep things relatively tidy. If my house is a mess, my life feels like a mess. I don’t work well around clutter and if I go a week without dusting my anxiety starts to climb. So I’ve come up with this small but mighty system that helps me feel more sane. I simply do one ‘special’ chore a day – more if I can, but I hold myself to at least one. By special, I just mean a chore that doesn’t already get done every day (like making the bed or doing the dishes). Some chores on my special chore list include: cleaning ceiling fans, dusting blinds, wipe down baseboards, clean bathrooms, wash sheets, etc. I’ll just rotate through things one at a time and when it’s all been done, I start over again. That way it never really feels overwhelming.

5. The 15 Minute Rule.

Almost every night before G and I head upstairs for bed, we take 15 minutes and tidy up together. While one person does the dishes, the other wipes down the counters and the table from dinner. We wash bottles, wipe down toys, gather any laundry that needs to be take up to the laundry room, prep coffee for the next day and start our Rumba so that it vacuums downstairs while we sleep 😉 Coming downstairs to a tidy space makes such a difference in the morning!


When it comes down to it, if you can identify what’s most important to you, then you can prioritize. When you’re able to effectively prioritize, then it becomes easier to make the most out of your day. For me, being present with Fischer is what’s most important to me. So, from there I look at the rest of my day. I know that I need to get work done and I know that I need to tackle some chores. Instead of winging it and hoping everything goes well, I take actionable steps that help to ease my mind and manage my time as a whole.

If you’re reading this I hope you can internalize a few (or all!) of these steps and apply them to your life in such a way that makes a positive impact. If you have any questions about any of these tips – or anything in general – please feel free to reach out! Have a great Monday, friends!

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