Did you guys know it’s #wellnessmonth? The entire month of August is meant to be a time when you consciously take care of yourself – mind, body and soul. I have to admit, this is a topic that, for some reason, feels out of my comfort zone mainly because I’m not very good about intentional self-care. Ever since becoming a mom, however, I’ve grown to see and learn just how important a good self-care routine can be – for all of us – not just my fellow mamas!

When I wrote this post a little while back, I said that I was making it a goal to make Sunday evenings a dedicated time for self-care. Well, to be honest, that never really got established. I don’t know why, but self-care seems a little daunting to me. What with a baby to look after, a husband I want to spend time with, work to do and a house to keep up with. “Me-time” always just gets pushed to the side. I guess it sometimes feels like just another thing I need to do. It wasn’t until I started doing research for this post that I realized self-care doesn’t have to be such a big deal. Chances are you’re already doing small things to take care of yourself, you just need to be a little more conscious about them – savor them, make the most of them and enjoy them!

Here’s a list of small things I do every day (or routinely) that are technically considered good self-care practices:

1) Enjoy a cup of coffee alone
2) Wake up early
3) Meal prep nourishing meals and snacks for the week
4) Tidy up / declutter
5) Listen to music
6) Go to church

Easy Self-Care Ideas for #Wellnessmonth | Amanda Fontenot Blog

There are plenty more, but these six are pretty constant. The trick to practicing personal wellness is to be intentional while you’re doing the small things. I know the tiny super computers glued to our hands, the tiny humans in our households and the not-so-tiny to-do lists can steal this stream of consciousness sometimes, but try to make it a point to be mindful of yourself, your mind and your body at some point each day!

Here are some more self-care ideas broken up into the 5 dimensions of self-care.


1) Read a personal development book – whether it’s blatantly ‘self help’, a parenting book or just something like a cookbook if you want to learn new recipes, books are such a great resource for intellectual self care!

2) Watch a documentary – Further your knowledge about something you’re interested in via a documentary.. Yep, Netflix can be good for you!

3) Take to YouTube – YouTube is SUCH a great FREE resource for learning. Whether you want to learn how to execute a new hairstyle, gain more photography knowledge or learn how to swap out the fixtures in your bathroom

4) Listen to a Podcast – Whenever I take Fischer out for a walk, I like to put on a podcast that teaches me something!


1) Exercise – make an evening walk or a trip to the gym part of your ROUTINE!

2) Eat one healthy meal a day – our general here at our house for G and I is to eat healthy during the week and have ‘fun’ on the weekend

3) Wake up early – allow yourself some alone time in the morning where you can ease into the day and enjoy your favorite morning drink.

4) Get enough sleep – it felt wrong to encourage you to wake up early without including this too 😉 Go to bed early! If you haven’t already, read this post I wrote about getting up early. Specifically the part about calculating your bedtime according to how much sleep your body needs and what time you plan to wake up!

5) Take a bath – light some candles, pour a glass of wine and just sit and relax. Read a book, listen to music, paint your nails or simply sit there and enjoy the peace and quiet!

6) Get a massage – G encourages me to do this on a regular basis, but I hardly ever make time for it – but it can be so good for your body! Massages increase circulation and can relieve tension in more ways than one.

7) Drink enough water – This is actually a great way to take care of yourself in multiple aspects. Drinking ENOUGH water can help you change your diet, nourish your skin and cleanse your body (among other things).

8) Clean your home – It’s true that your surroundings can have a huge impact on your mood and wellness. But even more important, germs and bacteria can run rampant in your home just like anywhere else. So, disinfect those bathrooms, dust your surfaces and vacuum the floor!

Easy Self-Care Ideas for #Wellnessmonth | Amanda Fontenot Blog


1) Make plans with a friend once a week – Text a friend and set a coffee date, a play date or just go for a walk together!

2) Call a friend or family member – Admittedly, I’m the last person usually to pick up the phone and call but it never fails that I feel so much better after a phone call with a family member or long distance friend!

3) Plan a date night with your significant other – Give yourself something to look forward to with that special someone. Even if it’s just having an intentional dinner at home. Put away your cellphones and just enjoy each other’s company.

4) Attend an event – go to a dinner, take in a ball game – just get out of the house! Alternatively, you can..

5) Host a gathering – Although the preparations can sometimes be slightly stressful, it can be overall good for you to host a dinner or party with friends! You may spend hours prepping food and/or your home, but the social experience and connections made with those around you will be worth it!


1) Attend church – I can 10000% attest to the fact that attending church on Sundays is good for the mind and soul. I never leave the church doors without a better awareness of self and an elevated mood.

2) Pray – Make it a part of your daily routine to sit down somewhere quiet and pray. Talk to God. Confess your fears and anxieties. Practice gratitude for everything you have. Request his help. Pray for others.

3) Read the Bible – Scripture can hold such healing power for the soul. Diving into God’s word is a sure way to care for yourself. Take notes in the margins of what you learn while you read and revisit those notes every now and then. It can signify growth for yourself and/or remind you of ways you want to better yourself or learn.

4) Join a small group – It has been so hard for us to get plugged into church since moving to Atlanta, but G and I recently joined a respective men’s and women’s small group through our church. From past experience, having that sense of community and support system can be the biggest gift to your spiritual (and social!) wellness. Attending church really isn’t enough. In order to grow and thrive spiritually you should put yourself in community with others – not just to absorb the benefits, but to bless others through your own story, experiences and personal gifts!


I read somewhere that you can tell you’re not doing enough to care for yourself emotionally if you’re constantly tired, moody or emotional (in the bad way). This was such a good reminder to me.

1) SAY NO – say no to things that stress you out or don’t serve you. As an introverted extrovert who recharges by being alone, learning to say no to events or gatherings or simply adding things to my to-do list has been a game changer. I’m not successful at it 100% of the time, but I’m getting better about being aware of it, which makes all the difference.

2) Listen to music – I don’t know about y’all but music can have such a positive effect on me. Putting on my favorite Pandora station or Praise + Worship music playlist can do wonders for my mood and attitude.

3) Journal – keeping a journal for practicing gratitude, keeping track of prayers and Bible verses or simply brain dumping your thoughts can have such a positive effect on your psyche. Declutter that mind of yours – it’ll leave you feeling refreshed and more organized.  

Easy Self-Care Ideas for #Wellnessmonth | Amanda Fontenot Blog

That’s it! What did you guys think of these ideas? Are you good at practicing self-care? What will you be doing during wellness month to better your mind, body and soul? 🙂

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Easy Self-Care Ideas for #Wellnessmonth | Amanda Fontenot Blog

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