It’s amazing what an organized kitchen sink cabinet can do for the soul! The cupboard under our sink has given me so much anxiety over the past year – to the point that I found myself even avoiding eye contactl! Not kidding.. lately I’d been putting things away in it without even looking so I wouldn’t see the mess LOL. So I decided it would be one of the first organization projects I tackled in the new year – and I’m so happy with the way it turned out! All it took to get this space cleaned up was a couple of organizing tools, a few white towels and about 45 mins of my time! Let me show you what I did.. but first take a look at this ‘BEFORE’ photo… YIKES, right?!

As I was trying to decide how to write this post in a way that would be useful to you, I had the idea to write it as a little step-by-step guide. Just four easy steps to transform the mess under your sink to a space you’re proud of and eager to use!
How to Organize Under Your Kitchen Sink
Step 1: Take everything out and wipe down the cupboard. Use a vacuum to pick up all of the little dirt particles and then give it a good wipe down with a rag and spray cleaner.
Step 2: Assess what you have, set aside what you want to keep and get rid of everything you don’t need. What you should have left is a manageable number of items to work with. If not, do it again.. you don’t need everything but the kitchen sink under your kitchen sink 😉
Step 3: Decide what you want to add and organize with. In my case, I knew I wanted a couple sets of drawers to hold towels, sponges and dishwasher pods. Clear or see-through vessels are ideal because they allow you to see how much you have left of something and when to add something to your shopping list. Additionally, I decided I wanted to completely start over with our kitchen towels/rags, so I ordered some plane white bar mops and microfiber cloths. Lastly, I had the idea to store our cleaning supplies on a lazy suzan to eliminate the need to pick bottles up in order to see what they were. I love how functional it made it!

Step 4: Have fun with organizing! Now that you have everything sorted through and your vessels are ready for filling it’s time for the fun part – putting it all back together! This is where the transformation occurs and if you play your cards right you’ll be so pleased with the results! Not even kidding, sometimes I still go over to this cabinet and open it up just because it gives me so much satisfaction to see it everything organized and neat….. does that make me weird?! 😀

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