


When it comes to certain makeup and skincare items, a steep price tag just isn’t necessary. There are plenty of quality products out there that don’t cost you an arm and a leg. I have six specific items that I’ve been using (and loving) every single day for literally years now. Read on to discover my morning face wash, go-to eyeliner, no-fuss hairspray, best-ever chapstick and buttery smooth bronzer.

I’ll be perfectly honest with you guys – I’m not a huge makeup person. At least, I wasn’t before becoming a mom. But there’s something about sleepless nights, hormones and weight fluctuation that just makes you feel like you need a little extra help.. am I right?! During the recent Sephora sale, I went ahead and splurged, justifying my purchases with the above reasons PLUS I haven’t bought new beauty items in LITERAL years. The great thing about buying makeup and skincare products is that, yes the good stuff is usually pretty pricey but, at least for me, they last for MONTHS if not more! I go makeup-less or at least minimal makeup at least a couple of times a week to give my skin a break – which not only saves me time but it ensures my products last longer.

Let me start by saying that this post is in no way sponsored, I just recently found these hair products and tools and love them so much that I wanted to share!

My Routine. Aside from some chapstick and a little color on my lips, these are the items I use just about every morning when getting ready for work. Except the nail polish.. because painting your nails every single day is just silly 😉 My routine goes something like this: I spritz my wrists and neck with this perfume. I have no other word for what Victoria’s Secret Bombshell smells like than fresh. It’s seriously the perfect perfume for spring because its light and floral and lasts all day long. A little bit of this NARS liquid concealer gets dabbed under my eyes and down the bridge of my nose. It does such a good job of hydrating my skin and covering the dark circles under my peepers. I blend it in with a sponge just like this one and watch as the bags and dark coloring disappear! Next step is blending a small amount…

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